Monday, March 05, 2018

Substitute Teaching Blog Spotlight

You have no idea how hard it is to find a substitute teaching blog that still looks like the author is posting (I know, I know... I've disappeared many times before but when the last post is from another of years ago... it's not exactly up to date). My guess it's because substitute teaching is usually a stepping stone to something a little more permanent and once you get that something more permanent you suddenly don't have enough time to post things anymore (or at least that's what often happened to me).

But, I've found a few; the first one being The Sub Service blog. This is actually a substitute teacher service (if you didn't get that from the title of the blog) and it sounds like they get you connected to job possibilities. It seems to be based in Pennsylvania so this Canadian isn't using the blog for it's substitute teaching service BUT, you shouldn't dismiss the blog if you aren't looking to get connected somewhere. There is actually a wealth of information on it! The blog hasn't been updated since May but do things like building relationships with students, what to do when there is no plan, and classroom management really change all that much year to year? Take it from this substitute teacher, it's worth a look (and a read)!

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